Simon Steen-Andersen: Split Point for snare drum, sand paper and s.
Video: Jacob Nielsen Visual Classics
Audio and performance: Henrik Knarborg Larsen
Released: October 2015
Release text:
This video is a result of an artistic research project at Royal Academy of Music Aarhus, Denmark.
Henrik Knarborg Larsen is Percussion Artist and Head of the Percussion Department at RAMA (musikkons.dk) and a very active soloist and chamber musician.
Simon Steen-Andersen is also teaching at RAMA and one of the most known young Danish composers - Nordic Music Prize award winner 2015. He wrote the piece Split Point for Henrik in 2002 and this video version has been worked out in collaboration with the composer since 2010 with the wish to make the music more comprehensive and more easy to experience through a strict visual expression corresponding to the precise form of the piece.
The visual part is created in collaboration with Jacob Nielsen - Visual Classics - who has made a new standard for video productions of classical music with close connection to the music through his intense work with Aarhus Symphony Orchestra and their Symfomagica concerts.
The score works with 16 different notations for each sound on the drums also specifying which end of the specially produced sticks to use. Also voice and sandpaper parts are notated.