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Artistic Reseach Project 2022-2024  Art of Interpretation
Supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture and Royal Academy of Music Aarhus

Exploring a new approach to interpretation redefining the role of the musician

This project explores a divers approach to the art of interpretation - questioning the hierarchy of composer, work, musician and audience. 

Live concerts and recordings are explored - interchanging how we approach them.

A full overview of the project can be found on

The project is a collaboration with: 

Søren Rastogi (Classical Piano)

Lasse Laursen (Music Theory)

Charlotte Nordholt (Flutist)

Signe Madsen (Violinist) 

Marion Reuter (Actress)

Merlyn da Silva (Producer)

Morten Elkjær (Sound Engineer)

Lene Tanggaard (Psychology Professor and Researcher  Creativity) 

Lena Gregersen (Movement and Dance) 

Juliana Hodkinson (Composer)

Royal Academy of Music Aarhus

Århus Sinfonietta

Students at RAMA: Liese-Lotte Bekaert and  Zsófi Kamilla Persányi and many others

Online lessons:

"electrified rhythms and magic with held back excitement"  Danish National Newspaper POLITIKEN 

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